Established since 2000, reswell specializes in the design, development, manufacturing, as well as sales and services of a wide range of medical supplies. As one of the world leading providers of medical accessories & consumables, a national high-tech enterprise. RongRui Medical boasts four manufacturing bases in Beijing and Dongguan, covering a total area of 9,600 square meters including 3,000 square meters 100,000-level dust-free purification cleanroom.
For over two decades, reswell has been committed to supplying comprehensive solutions of medical accessories and consumables, providing one stop procurement at a full range, qualified and multi-compatible products to the customers with monitoring & diagnostic accessories, as well as hospital & homecare respiratory consumables. With a customer-centric service philosophy, RongRui Medical offers a full range of services from development and manufacturing to fast delivery and after-sales support according to the specialized demands from customers. reswell is dedicated to supplying a complete variety of reliable, high-quality, and multi-compatible products, meanwhile, possessing various certifications and approvals allowing to enter worldwide main markets to provide customers professional, fast and dependable services.